Know Your Service

Service NameDescription of the ServiceFees ApplicableDesignated Officer for Service deliveryService TimelineList of documents needed How to apply
Providing Water ConnectionMeans the connection provided from the main to a premises to supply water for manufacturing process.Fees vary depending upon the estimateDomestic - House - Asst. Engineer, Flat,Villa - Exe. Engineer. Non-domestic - Multi-storied - Exe. Engineer, Others - Asst. Exe. Engineer. Special - Plinth 300m2 and above - Exe. Engineer, Plinth below 300m2 - Asst. Exe. Engineer. Industrial - Asst. Exe. Engineer.15 daysAny id proof/Proof of ownershipClick here
Providing Sewer ConnectionAccess of rain water flow from roofs, courtyard, platform should be prevented. Should divert waste water from kitchen, bathroom, washing place, urinals, stables, cone or shed, through drains of specified type approved by AEE not smaller than 100 mm.Fees vary depending upon the estimateDomestic - House - Asst. Engineer, Flat,Villa - Exe. Engineer. Non-domestic - Multi-storied - Exe. Engineer, Others - Asst. Exe. Engineer. Special - Plinth 300m2 and above - Exe. Engineer, Plinth below 300m2 - Asst. Exe. Engineer. Industrial - Asst. Exe. 15 daysAny id proof/Proof of ownershipClick here
Meter ReplacementIf on examination any meter is found to be out of order and not registering correctly has to be replaced10Assistant Engineer15 daysPhoto of new meter & Test certificateClick here
Meter Replacement after Meter Stolenമീറ്റർ മോഷണം പോയാൽ ഉടൻ വാട്ടർ അതോറിറ്റിയെ അറിയിക്കുകയും. പ്രാദേശിക പോലീസ് സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ ഒരു പരാതി രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുകയും വേണം. അനന്തര നടപടികൾക്കായി പോലീസ് സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ നിന്നും ലഭിച്ച FIR സഹിതം സെക്ഷൻ ഓഫീസുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് ജല കണക്ഷൻ പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കുന്നതിനായി എ ഇ ക്ക് ഒരു അപേക്ഷ നൽകുക. എ ഇ യുടെ പരിശോധന റിപ്പോർട്ടിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ ഉപഭോക്താവിന്റെ ചിലവിൽ പുതിയ ഒരു മീറ്റർ വഴി, ഫീസുകൾ അടച്ച ശേഷം കണക്ഷൻ പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കാൻ AEE ഉത്തരവിടുന്നു.75Assistant Engineer15 daysPhoto of new meter & Test certificateClick here
Disconnection and Reconnectionഉപഭോക്താവ് അതുവരെയുള്ള എല്ലാ കുടിശ്ശികകളും അടക്കണം. അതിന് ശേഷം അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് എക്സിക്യൂട്ടീവ് എഞ്ചിനീയർക്ക് നിർദ്ദിഷ്ട അപേക്ഷാ ഫോമിൽ അപേക്ഷ നൽകി നിർദ്ദിഷ്ട ഫീസും അടച്ച് ഉപഭോക്താക്കൾക്ക് കുറഞ്ഞത് മൂന്ന് മാസത്തേക്കും പരമാവധി 12 മാസത്തേക്കും ജല കണക്ഷനുകൾ താൽക്കാലികമായി വിച്ഛേദിക്കാം.115Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Temporary DisconnectionWhenever the owner or occupier desires to have his connection closed temporarily with a minimum period of 3 months and a max period of 12 months.65Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
കുടിവെള്ള കണക്ഷൻ പുനഃസ്ഥാപനംA reconnection of water supply to the premises shall be made only after the entire amount due from the owner or occupier of the premises65Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
ExtensionNo extension shall be made to the inside installation without the previous sanction of AE50Assistant Engineer15 daysAny id proof/Proof of ownership, Plan, Meter readingClick here
വാട്ടർ മീറ്റർ പരിശോധനക്കായ് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത്If the owner or occupier of the premises entertains doubts about the accuracy of the meter installed at his premises10Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Point ShiftingMoving the water meter from its current location to a new location on the same premises. This may be necessary due to various reasons, such as construction work, renovations, or better accessibility for meter reading and maintenance.115Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Permanent DisconnectionWhenever the owner or occupier desires to have his connection closed permanently, the owner should remit all sums and penalties due to the authority.65Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Reconnection after D.R DisconnectionReconnecting a water supply after a drought-related disconnection0Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Replacement after Meter TestingIf you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.10Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (15mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.10Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (20mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.10Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (25mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.15Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (40mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.25Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (50mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.30Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (75mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.60Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (80mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.100Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (200mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.150Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (300mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.500Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Meter Testing (450mm)If you feel that your meter is not registering the correct consumption you can get the meter tested for its accuracy from the Authority after remitting the required fee. If on testing, it is found that there is a variation of plus or minus 10% or more the last meter reading will be corrected accordingly and billed.500Assistant Engineer15 daysMeter readingClick here
Certificate of non-availability of Water from Water Supply AgencyOn receipt of the application with fee, the Assistant Engineer shall arrange to inspect the feasibility of the connection to the application's premises. If not feasible to give a connection ,certificate of non-availability is issued.0Assistant Engineer15 daysAny id proof/Proof of ownershipClick here
Water Quality TesingQuality of water samples can be checked by submitting a sample, making payment and collecting the laboratory result.Fees vary depending upon the parameters.Assistant Engineer15 daysNAClick here
Payment options available

1. Online Payment (Net Banking)
2. Credit/Debit Card Payment
3. Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
Process flow of Providing new water connection
Process flow of Providing new sewerage connection
Process flow of issuing Certificate of non feasibility of water
Process flow of Changing ownership of water connection

കുടിവെള്ള വിതരണത്തിനും മലിനജല സേവനങ്ങൾക്കുമുള്ള കേരളത്തിന്റെ നോഡൽ ഏജൻസി

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