About Administrative Wing

Administrative Wing in Head Office is mainly dealing with Human Resource Management. The database regarding all categories of employees and officers (Ministerial & Technical) and its sanctioned post and promotion avenue as per special rules in force are kept almost up to date and tidy.
The normal functions of Administrative Wing includes
Formulation and amendment of Act, Rules, Regulations, Duties & Responsibilities, Delegation of powers of Employees etc.
Effect changes in organizational structure as and when needed for efficient hierarchical management. This also include formation of new offices and abolition or merger of existing offices as resolved by the KWA Board.
Reporting vacancies of entry cadre posts to the Kerala PSC and identifying posts for in service promotion as per provisions in rules.
Issuing appointment orders as per advice of PSC as well as By Transfer appointments as per Rules.
Regularisation of appointments after obtaining Police Verification report and PSC Certificate Verification in respect of each candidate as per Government Orders in force.
Extension of period of probation in deserving cases and issuing orders of declaration of completion of probation with respect to designated posts.
Preparing seniority lists in each cadre, Higher Grade ratio promotions and non cadre promotions to designated posts as per existing rules and Government Orders.
Effecting promotions in each cadre in two ways
a. According to seniority and eligibility as per rules to the superior posts of same cadre.
b. According to merit and ability ascertained by the Departmental Promotion Committee after scrutiny of Confidential Reports of candidates to the posts borne in Officer cadre.
a. According to seniority and eligibility as per rules to the superior posts of same cadre.
b. According to merit and ability ascertained by the Departmental Promotion Committee after scrutiny of Confidential Reports of candidates to the posts borne in Officer cadre.
The most important tool in managerial control is the allocation of employees to different posts according to suitability of incumbent to particular post. Transfer and postings are done in a transparent manner strictly adhering to the general transfer norms issued by Government and public interest.
Communication with government on all policy matters affecting the institution is being dealt by Administrative Wing.
Preparation and submission of agenda before the KWA Board related with Administration and Establishment matters in respect of the firm and employees.
High Court cases, Human Right Commission cases, Industrial dispute cases and Right to Information Act etc. regarding establishment matters are dealt with by Administrative Wing.
The service and wage conditions of employees and officers are being managed by the authority through this establishment in accordance with Rules and Government Orders.
Implementation of G-SPARK
Facilitate the office to function as Disciplinary authority as per KCS(CCA)Rules 1960 and regulate the conduct of employees as per Kerala Government Servants Conduct Rules by issuing necessary sanctions.
Administrative Wing in Head Office Constituted under Accounts Officer (Administration & Establishment) includes four Parts
- Administrative Matters of all category of employees in Kerala Water Authority
- Establishment Section (Employees under Head Office)
- Accounts Section (All Accounting procedure in Head Office)
- Fair Copy Section
Administrative Wing comprise One Senior Superintendent, One Junior Superintendent and Twelve Clerks, Two Office Attendants
Establishment and Accounts Section comprise One Senior Superintendent, One Junior Superintendent and Six Clerks Two, Office Attendants
Fair Copy Section Comprise Two Fair Copy Superintendents, Six Typists and Inward & Despatch Section Comprise Four Clerks, Two Office Attendants