Revenue Monitoring Cell
Revenue Monitoring Cell (RMC) is constituted to monitor all the revenue related activities of KWA. It involves the assessment of the quantum of water consumed, billed and the revenue generated there upon, fixation and monitoring of revenue targets and the preparation of monthly consolidated collection statement, connection statement and demand collection balance statement.
Our vision is to achieve 100% reading, 100% billing and 100% revenue collection while ensuring 0% faulty meters.
- Assessing the quantum of water consumed, billed and the revenue generated there upon.
- Fixing revenue target and new connection target of all Revenue Divisions and monitoring its regular progress.
- Monitoring of all complaints and petitions related to revenue and settlement of the same.
- Monitoring street taps of local bodies and collection of revenue.
- Preparing monthly consolidated collection statement, connection Statement and Demand Collection Balance (DCB) statement.